Saturday 13 April 2013

Foodie Friday Goes Live - The Journey So Far

I've been thinking about creating a food themed blog for a while. I've rediscovered my love of baking recently (thanks to the Great British Bake Off for that) and wanted an outlet for my creative thinking and musings...

Foodie Friday popped in to my head as I love to start my weekend on a Friday (obviously!) and Friday has traditionally become 'Homemade Pizza Night' in our household, although last night it was Chilli Turkey Burgers with Sweet Potato wedges, anyway I digress.

People seem fascinated that I am a good cook or that I like to cook. I think this is because I have so many other creative outlets (jewellery making, millinery, sewing) that they forget how passionate I am about food. I knew I'd reached new heights when I seriously considered buying a Kitchen Aid with my Christmas Selfridges vouchers instead of a designer handbag, and don't get me started on my Le Creuset addiction...

I recently applied to be on Come Dine With Me. Fueled by my love of food, I thought it would be an easy £1000 in my pocket (think of the Le Creuset/Kitchen Aid/Espresso Machine I could buy!) and I met the researcher and was filmed in my home. I ultimately decided that because of prior work commitments, I just couldn't throw myself in to the production the following week, so I withdrew. I didn't really want to be seen as dim or unintelligent either. I was assured that this wouldn't be the case, but I am conscious of looking like a bit of an idiot at the best of times, so I don't really need any help in that department!

I learnt to cook from a young age and it has stuck with me through to my late 20's. I associate food with family and happiness, so I love cooking to feed people and spoil them with gorgeous goodies.

I cook a lot of Gluten Free recipes, mainly as I live with someone who has Coeliac Disease, so I have to be really careful about my ingredients and how I cook the food I'm making. When it comes to pizza, I've cracked the Gluten Free pizza base recipe to a tee, but I generally tend to use Wheat Flour for my own base as I love the feel of the dough when I'm kneading it. Gluten Free baking doesn't need to be difficult, some of my recipes are tried and tested and honestly better than Wheat Flour recipes!

So welcome to my blog and hopefully I can offer some food inspiration with my recipes and ideas.

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