Tuesday 7 May 2013

BBQ Weather

Well, hasn't the weather this gorgeous bank holiday weekend been beautiful?! We managed to get a BBQ at the in laws sneaked in on Sunday and we had one in our garden yesterday.

I made Tandoori chicken which turned out amazingly! I marinated 3 chicken breasts in some plain yoghurt mixed with Tandoori spices, lime juice and fresh coriander. It went down a treat, I'm only sad I forgot to take a picture.

We've been busy planning our summer holiday to Tenerife. Last year we went for a week, this time we're going for 11 nights. We discovered some beautiful little restaurants last time and the holy grail of yummy potato-ey goodness, Canary potatoes! Mmmm! I'll be stocking up on vanilla pods, mojo sauce and chorizo while I'm there. I'm not going until late July/early August, but I cant wait. I love Canary cuisine and my mouth is literally watering at the thought of a full fish platter, droooool!

I'll leave you on that while I go off and check flight prices for the umpteenth time!